Huber Heights Ward 3 Resident

2021 Huber Heights Ward 3 Primary Results

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The results are in, and I am out. But that doesn’t mean I’m going anywhere.

Frank Wylie and Kate Baker are going on to compete in the general election. I will be transitioning this website and my Facebook page into a citizen page.

If you’re curious about the results, here are the numbers:

candidate votes %
Kate Baker 239 63.9
Frank Wylie 72 19.3
Joseph Hendrix 63 16.8
total 374 100

These numbers are available on WDTN’s site as well as the Montgomery County Board of Elections site.

If you want deeper analysis, head on over to this Montgomery County Election Night Results page or look at this results.txt file.

In the results.txt file, we can see the breakdown of votes per precinct:

Huber Heights 3-A

candidate votes %
Kate Baker 92 61.3
Frank Wylie 30 20.0
Joseph Hendrix 28 18.7
total 150 100

Huber Heights 3-B

candidate votes %
Kate Baker 15 57.7
Frank Wylie 9 34.6
Joseph Hendrix 2 7.7
total 26 100

Huber Heights 3-C

candidate votes %
Kate Baker 95 65.5
Frank Wylie 27 18.6
Joseph Hendrix 23 15.9
total 145 100

Huber Heights 3-D

candidate votes %
Kate Baker 37 69.8
Frank Wylie 10 18.9
Joseph Hendrix 6 11.3
total 53 100

There are 4,111 registered voters for Ward 3. That means only less than 10% - and only slightly more than 9% - voted in the primary.

Here’s a breakdown of registered voters per precinct and the number of votes:

precinct registered voters votes cast %
3-A 1,323 150 11.3
3-B 845 26 3.1
3-C 1,359 145 10.7
3-D 584 53 9.1
total 4,111 374 9.1

Over the next week or so, I’m going to make some posts about some of the strategies I took, lessons learned, as well as some (former) competitor analysis.